maandag 14 januari 2013

Liebster award !

Hi guys ,

 Lydia nominated me for the liebster award. So here goes ...

Rules :
  • The award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers (ha ! I only have one ;p )
  • The nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
  • If you are nominated write 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions written by the blogger who nominated you
  • Make up 11 new questions to be answered and nominate 11 other bloggers!
11 random facts :
1. I'm very lazy
2. My mom's german+ dutch and my dad's american so I'm german dutch and american too
3. my room's a mess because I'm moving in a month
4. I used to live in USA but now I live in Holland
5. the name of my blog is the name of my all time favourite book
6. I was born in Holland and my sister was born in the states 
7. I'm 15 years old 
8. My friend Lotte and I have an online magazine , moonmagic
9. I don't know what I want to be later
10. I have a stuffed bear named teddy  
11. my favourite movie is forest gump
1. what's your love life lookin like right now? Pretty hot I'm sure ;)
Let's just say that by now Lotte and I are stalking pro's.
 2. what color nail polish do you have on right now? Or what's your favorite nail polish color?
Right now I have a gold-ish glittery nail polish on from catrice.
3. favorite season?
Summer !No school , good weather , enough time to do nice things.
4. best place you've ever been?
Berlin, Portland, Disney world.  I've been to so many great places , I can't choose !
5. favorite relative?
I like all of my relatives but my grandma is probably the funniest
6. do you play any sports?
I've been dancing since I was 4
7. favorite tumblr blogs?
8. favorite youtube channel?
 Jenn from clothesencounters  ( )
9. current favorite song?
Soir de Fête - Yann Tiersen (amelie soudtrack)
10. what's at the top of your wishlist right now?
New stuff for my room in the new house like furniture , a laptop , a fish.
11. what are your religious views?
I'm Catholic but not really.

My questions :

1. If you could go anywhere in the world , where would it be ?
2. What do you want to be when your older ?
3. If you had to wear 1 thing for a whole year what would it be ?
4. Do you follow any after school programs , like a photography group or band class ?
5. Who's your favourite designer ?
6. What's your favourite book/movie/song ?
7. Do you have a sibling with the same interests ?
8. Who is your idol ?
9. What's your favourite activity to do when you have spare time ?
10. What's your favourite magazine ?
11. If you had a time machine where would you go ?

I nominate:
aaahahhh ok everyone else I want to nominate has already recieved the liebster award so maybe anyone can just answer the questions if you want to ??

ok bye

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