zondag 24 februari 2013

who's got the crack ?

I still don't have internet. I won't have internet untill after the summer vacation so I can probably only blog during the weekends when I can go to the library. Somebody please shoot me.
Next month I have a contest I entered with Lotte. We are going to present a photo serie. The theme of the contest is heroes but we didn't stick to that. We also have the next issue that comes out in april. And in 4 weeks we have an exam week. trfvgmklhgdftxesy698g56rgfhjv

On wednesday we went cross country skiing. It was okay , but a waste of time. On thursday I went into the city with my sister because she had to bring back something to the h&m. Something must be wrong with that store , the collections were okay a few years ago but now they are horrible. I only like a few of the things there. I bought 3 pairs of glitter socks and a pair of glitter polka dot tights. And on monday I went to the action with lotte and we got rings , stickers , and chemical candy as we like to call it.

It's Lotte's bday in a few months and we make each other birthday boxes. She already knows the theme of her bday box which is going to be stalking (we are partners in crime). I already have a few ideas but I'll post about it after her birthday.

bye !

1 opmerking:

  1. oja handig want ik ben de enige die je blog leest. en dan doe ik ook maar een lang comment sinds dat ik me erg alleen voel, ik morgen geeeen eerste uur uitval heb, jij geen internet hebt, ik nog een boekverlsag moet maken, het 10 uur is, en ik nog een freaks and geeks aflevering wil kijken en wil lezen. maar wat boeit het.

